Pathway to University Programme

Overview about Pathway to University Programme

This BUV foundation course has been specifically designed to provide you with the most possible preparation for entry into a wide range of Staffordshire University, University of Stirling and Arts University Bournemouth undergraduate degree courses.

Course duration: 6 weeks of full-time studying

Pathway to University Programme

Course modules

Business and Tourism

Contemporary Creative Practice (Specialist) 

Computer Science (Specialist) 


Pathway to University Programme
Business Essentials 

Students will gain an introduction to the basics of business management, participate in 3-hour sessions 3 times per week for 5 weeks with weekly assessment. After learning this module, sudents will be able to apply knowledge on business and management principles suitable for further study day, and to demonstrate understanding of the key contemporary business concepts, as well as to gain the ability to analyse the business external environment.  


  1. The nature of business activity and the role of an entrepreneur  
  2. Business structures economic sectors and legal structures  
  3. Business sizes, measurement of businesses and an introduction to SMES  
  4. Business objectives and the role of objectives in business strategy and decision making   
  5. Stakeholder groups and the importance and influence of stakeholders  
Pathway to University Programme
Undergraduate Achievement 

This is a foundation module intended to provide students with a clear overview of principles of academic Integrity, forms of assessment, academic writing, presentations, structure, clarity, and methods of argumentation and coherent expression. The module will be delivered in 3-hour sessions comprising both traditional lecturing with group work, practical exercises, and in-class assessment and knowledge checks.  

Having successfully a completed the module students will be able to:   

  1.  Apply principles of academic integrity and producing work at the University 
  2. Demonstrate understanding of proper use of source material, critical argumentation, and coherent writing
  3. Create written assignments in English which meet required standards for undergraduate study
  4. Use techniques for expressing a flow of ideas and following a logical written structure.
Pathway to University Programme
Professional Competencies 

This is a foundation module intended to provide students with an introduction to a wide range of necessary study and personal skills, including ideation and creativity, effective study, stress and health management, teamwork and collaboration, personal branding, and career development.   

Having successfully completed the module, students will be able to:   

  1. Use techniques for study, analysis, and reflection at university and elsewhere 
  2. Work collaboratively within groups and teams and develop personal relationships  
  3. Apply techniques to manage time, deadlines, and stress effectively 
  4. Demonstrate knowledge of career planning, development, and employability 
Pathway to University Programme
Professional Competencies  

This is a foundation module intended to provide students with an introduction to a wide range of necessary study and personal skills, including ideation and creativity, effective study, stress and health management, teamwork and collaboration, personal branding, and career development.   

Having successfully completed the module, students will be able to:   

  1. Use techniques for study, analysis, and reflection at university and elsewhere 
  2. Work collaboratively within groups and teams and develop personal relationships  
  3. Apply techniques to manage time, deadlines, and stress effectively 
  4. Demonstrate knowledge of career planning, development, and employability 
Pathway to University Programme
Creative Practice Essentials  

The module aims to develop the student’s ability to challenge preconceptions, analse, reflect and review their progress within the context of art and design methods and to increase their personal independence by developing ideas that extend their skills through the practical investigation of materials, techniques, and processes associated with a specialist art and design study. Students will explore personal learning approaches that enable them to recognise and work confidently within the distinctive learning ethos and characteristics of a practice-based programme.   

Pathway to University Programme
Professional Competencies  

This is a foundation module intended to provide students with an introduction to a wide range of necessary study and personal skills, including ideation and creativity, effective study, stress and health management, teamwork and collaboration, personal branding, and career development.   

Having successfully completed the module, students will be able to:   

  1. Use techniques for study, analysis, and reflection at university and elsewhere 
  2. Work collaboratively within groups and teams and develop personal relationships  
  3. Apply techniques to manage time, deadlines, and stress effectively 
  4. Demonstrate knowledge of career planning, development, and employability 
Pathway to University Programme
Computer Science Essentials   

This is a pathway to computer science module intended to prepare students for a computer science degree by teaching them: mathematics for computer science skills, introduction to data representation and storage, algorithms, and basic programming using Python.  

Learning outcomes: 

  1. Demonstrate an understanding of basic mathematics for computer science
  2. Able to convert numbers to and from binary, demonstrate an understanding of how data is stored in a computer
  3. Demonstrate basic knowledge of algorithms, and programme development and programming structures  
  4. Design and create simple programs using the Python programming language and turtle graphics.  
Pathway to University Programme
Professional Competencies  

This is a foundation module intended to provide students with an introduction to a wide range of necessary study and personal skills, including ideation and creativity, effective study, stress and health management, teamwork and collaboration, personal branding, and career development.   

Having successfully completed the module, students will be able to:   

  1. Use techniques for study, analysis, and reflection at university and elsewhere 
  2. Work collaboratively within groups and teams and develop personal relationships  
  3. Apply techniques to manage time, deadlines, and stress effectively 
  4. Demonstrate knowledge of career planning, development, and employability 
Pathway to University Programme
Game Development Essentials  

Game Development Essentials is a module covering three distinct, equally weighted topics, Environmental Level Design, Game Mechanics Metrics and Testing and Narrative for Video Games each given equal contact time of 6 hours a week. The aims of the module are to introduce students to two of the most important games engines they will use (Unreal Engine and Unity), to deliver foundational knowledge and understanding regarding game mechanics, dynamics and aesthetics, to centre the student’s portfolio of work in the university journey and to centre the importance of testing, feedback and iteration in the game development cycle.   

Pathway to University Programme

Entry requirements

  • Aged 17 or over
  • Completed year 12 or equivalent
  • IELTS 6.0 overall with a minimum of 5.5 in each component; or TOEFL IBT (Listening: 17; Speaking: 20; Reading: 18; Writing: 17); or complete IELTS Upper-Intermediate course at BUV or equivalent

(If you have not met one of the above requirements, please contact your admission advisor for more advice.)

Pathway to University Programme

How to apply

Application forms and other compulsory documents must be sent to the University Admissions Office before the deadlines given.

See the 2024 Academic Intake Calendar here.

Pathway to University Programme Pathway to University Programme

online application form

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